Saturday, September 10, 2011

A (Shortened) Beach Vacation....

It was a lovely time, until Katia crashed the party.  Luckily, there was no damage to the house and no loss of power (which automatically meant the house on the beach fared better than my apartment, where I was without power for days).

Jake's first time at the shore house.  He got pretty tired after exploring!

But that doesn't mean he wasn't nosy.

A lovely sunset.

We had to leave on the Friday before the hurricane since we live on the barrier island, and returned the following week.  Katia ate a good chunk of the beach, we were packed in like sardines up there!

Now, school has started, as well as grad school, so it is back to the grind.  Once the paycheck starts coming in again, I'll be cooking more, and I'm also taking some knitting classes.  Looking forward to a busy fall!

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